Then you can say when you went to the zoo, and then what animals you saw, and animals have their own characteristics.
上海野生动物园相关信息—— 地址:南汇区三灶镇 开放时间:8:00-17:00 门票:90元(一票通) 旅游关照 1.动物园游览巴士运行时间为:8:30-16:00。
可自备车辆,但一定要确认车况良好后方可入内。(警示:在猛兽区曾发生老虎咬死修车司机的惨剧!)游览区内限速10公里/小时,禁止停车、打开窗门、擅自下车。如中途抛锚,由园方派车牵引。 2.如果从上海体育场附近出发,建议你不要乘旅游2号线,不但价格贵,要14元,该车会绕个大圈子,可以在体育馆对面的公交枢纽站乘万野专线前往,票价10元。 动物表演时间表: 表演名称 时间 地点 内容 动物迎宾 9:00-10:00 正大门内广场 猴走钢丝、群猴杂耍、人熊摔跤 海狮表演 10:00、15:15 海狮表演馆 醉酒、水中跳跃、水上芭蕾、倒立顶球 群狮群虎表演 11:30、14:30 动物竞技场 老虎骑马、老虎钻圈、狮子踩球 大型广场艺术表演 13:30-14:30 百兽山表演场 百兽迎宾、孔雀开屏、西部轻骑、丝路驼铃、猎豹英姿、狮狗情深、大象献艺五、上海野生动物园,上海野生动物园好玩么?
I have visited a wildlife park at the weekend.The park was like a huge jungle.It was my first time visiting the place and I felt so exciting with the experience.
Inside the park,there are many different regions accommodating different animals,and the thing is they are all free to roam within their designated activity areas.Visitors must stay in their cars all the time for their own safety and not allowed to open their windows,particularly when entering into the large and dangerous animals areas such as lions and tigers.
Apart from lions and tigers,there were many other animals,such as elephants,monkeys,wolves and zebras just to name a few.Later I had watched some exciting animal shows and visited the protection of endangered animals exhibition.Learned a lot more about how people have pushing many animals into extinction.If immediate actions are not taken to protect them right now,then many precious animals will soon disappeared from the surface of the Earth.
I really have enjoyed my trip very much,and I couldn't believed that how close I was with those animals.I really would love to go and visit soon again.
For a student, we all know that wild animals are people's friends, they are precious, so we should take good care of them, we should not throw garbage into the zoo; and as a student, we must have a good habit, do not throw garbage to our side, we should think of them, because animals also want to have a beautiful and clean So I hope people don't throw rubbish anywhere in the wildlife park.
On May 6, my parents took me to visit the wild zoo. On the way to the wildlife park, I was jumping on the bus.
All of a sudden, there are two big high signs painted with many animals on the desert desert. The big sign on the right says "care for wild animals"; the big sign on the left says "welcome to Tianshan wild zoo". There is a road between the two big brands, which is the road to the wildlife park. Dad was driving in and saw a lot of hills. After walking through these hills, I finally reached the gate of wild animals in Tianshan Mountain.
I went to the zoon with my frienda last weekend. We saw many animals , the tiger ,the sheep ,the.monkey and so on.
I have visited beijing wildlife park at the weekend. The park was like a huge jungle. It was my first time visiting the place and I felt so exciting with the experience.
Inside the park, there are many different regions accommodating different animals, and the thing is they are all free to roam within their designated activity areas. Visitors must stay in their cars all the time for their own safety and not allowed to open their windows, particularly when entering into the large and dangerous animals areas such as lions and tigers.
Apart from lions and tigers, there were many other animals, such as elephants, monkeys, wolves and zebras just to name a few. Later I had watched some exciting animal shows and visited the protection of endangered animals exhibition. Learned a lot more about how people have pushing many animals into extinction. If immediate actions are not taken to protect them right now, then many precious animals will soon disappeared from the surface of the Earth.
I really have enjoyed my trip very much, and I couldn't believed that how close I was with those animals. I really would love to go and visit soon again.

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