Chime-Long Paradise。 长隆欢乐世界坐落在广州番禺迎宾路,占地面积2000多亩,游乐设施近70项。欢乐世界引进了瑞士、荷兰、德国、意大利、美国等全球领先的游乐设备公司的设备。 其中包括:“全球过山车之王”垂直过山车、创吉尼斯世界纪录的十环过山车、荣获行业设计金奖的摩托过山车、超级大摆锤、东半球唯一的U型滑板等世界级巅峰游乐项目。
长隆欢乐世界的英文名是:CHIMELONG PARADISE长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的明珠,位于中国首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水平的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。长隆欢乐世界共有八大主题区域,分别是旋风岛、尖叫地带、哈比儿童王国、开心乐园、彩虹湾、欢乐水世界、幻影天地、演艺。最特色的是U型滑板、垂直过山车。
Changlong world is a joy to spend one billion to build a new generation of top amusement park, the first phase covers an area of 1,000 acres, is currently the most advanced domestic equipment, the highest scientific and technological content, play equipment up to the super amusement park.
Changlong joy Changlong Group, the world is a world-class tourism in the Kingdom of a new Pearl, located in China's first-class tourist attractions 5A Changlong tourism resort center, is a pleasure ride, stunt Theater, parade performances, eco-leisure , features restaurants, theme shops, multi-service integrated with the international advanced technology and management level of the world's top mega-theme park.
Changlong joy the world from the world's leading theme park design presided over the overall planning, recreational equipment are imported from Europe, and its design and technology to maintain an international leading standard.

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