澳大利亚(Australia)一词,原意为“南方的大陆”,由拉丁文 terraaustralis (南方的土地)变化而来。欧洲人在17世纪发现这块大陆时,误以为是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名“澳大利亚”。
1. 墨尔本是维多利亚州首府城市,人口超过452万(2018年最新统计),有着令人自豪的多元文化历史,城市人民热爱艺术,体育赛事,和咖啡文化,墨尔本的咖啡被媒体誉为澳白FLAT WHITE的发明起源地,因为人口构成丰富,包容各个种族之间带来得民众差异性。
2. 墨尔本官方语言为英语,但是墨尔本居民会将的语言超过100种,多文化的语种包括中文、意大利语、希腊语、阿拉伯语和越南语等。
3. 墨尔本政府治理强劲稳定:澳大利亚实行三级政府体系,社会各方面事务得到有效管理。
4. 墨尔本是个体育文化和时尚之都,每年一度的澳大利亚网球公开赛都在墨尔本举行,还有包括F1墨尔本站,墨尔本国际马术墨尔本杯Melbourne Cup都在墨尔本举办。而时尚文化之都,体现在墨尔本杯赛上,各国女士都在帽子上做文章,争奇斗艳,同时每年一次的墨尔本时装周都在墨尔本举行,展示潮流时尚。
5. 墨尔本的交通主要由高速路FREEWAY和城市街道,和公共交通包括火车TRAINS、电车TRAMS和公共汽车BUS 组成。居民大多数家庭拥有2台私家汽车方便通勤。交通网络还是比较发达的。
6. 墨尔本教育资源丰富,有历史悠久的墨尔本大学,莫那什大学,皇家墨尔本理工大学,迪肯大学等,中学和高中教育资源也同样丰富。
7. 若要去墨尔本旅游,可以作为参考欣赏墨尔本皇家植物园和圣保罗大教堂,海边彩虹小屋也是著名旅游景点。
In an animated fairy tale world, a young girl meets and falls in love with the handsome prince of her dreams。 News of this romance upsets the prince's mother, the evil queen, who uses her black magic to send the girl hurtling out of the animated world into the one place in the universe where there is no true love: modern day Manhattan。
The now-real girl has to survive in New York City and find her way home again to her true love。
New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. In Māori, New Zealand has come to be known as Aotearoa, which is usually translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing, but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand's territorial claim in Antarctica).
New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometres (1250 miles) across. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga.
The population is mostly of European descent, with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority. Non-Māori Polynesian and Asian people are also significant minorities, especially in the cities. Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the Head of State and is represented, in her absence, by a non-partisan Governor-General; the Queen 'reigns but does not rule', so she has no real political influence. Political power is held by the democratically-elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister who is the Head of Government.
British great physicist, mathematician, astronomer.The boon space Si say:"Newton established astronomy because of discovering gravitational theory, because of carry on light of resolve but established the optics of science, established mathematics of science because of establishing binomial equation axioms and infinite theories, established the mechanics of science because of knowing the man's natural character of the mechanics."Really, Newton made to lay foundation stone sexual contribution in the natural science realm and be rated as science huge Jiang.
Newton was born at a farmer family of Lincolnshire in British the north.In 1661 pass examination Cambridge university the inside Ni Di a school especially, graduate in 1665, at this time just in time plague, Newton goes home to avoid epidemic disease for two years, the period almost considered his whole life in each aspect study, especially he wins from cradle to the grave of a few major contributions:Gravitational theory, classic mechanics, calculus and optics.
Newton discovers gravitational theory, built up classic mechanics, he uses a formula the biggest ephemeris sport in the cosmos and minimum grain sport of the son unify.The cosmos becomes thus clear:All of whichever sports are to without cause take place, is all long long of a series of cause and effect chain be an appearance, a link within, is can accurate description.People break several thoughts that the wills of thousand in the last years absolute beings rule world, start believe there is no thing is can't be accurate by intelligence knowing of.Compare at his ories, Newton greater contribution makes people from now on start believe science.
Newton is 1 far far above the wise science giant of the in those days owner, his quest to the truth is a such Chi fan, with as for all of his ories results just reveal to the public under the urge sincerely of other people and say that the creation is the biggest fun to Newton.
Fushun is located in shenyang, liaoning province east, 45 kilometers away, and jilin border in northern China, for an important industrial base.
1809.2.12, birthday1818 (9 years), the mother died. 1831 (22 years), a business failure.1832 (23 years old), his state parliament
the same year (23 years old),lost.To
attend law school, but not school qualifications.1833 (24 years), to borrow money for businessfriends.In
the end (24 years), again went bankrupt. Next, he spent 16 years before the debt repaid. 1834 (25 years), again for the state, this won. 1835 (26 years), after the marriage betrothal, fiancee died. 1836 (27 years), the spirit of total collapse, confined for six months. 1838 (29 years), the state's bid to become the spokesman -- without success. 1840 (31 years old) and strive to be electors -- lost. 1843 (34 years), to participate in parliamentary elections -- also unsuccessful. 1846 (37 years), to participate in the Congress election again -- this time elected. Go to Washington, D.C., performance merits. 1848 (39 years), congressmen seek re-election, but failed. 1849 (40 years old), would like to state in their own land as the Secretary of the work was rejected. 1854 (45 years), running for U.S. Senator, was. 1856 (47 years), within the Republican nomination for Vice President -- less than 100 votes. 1860 (51 years old), was elected President of the United States. Become the greatest president in U.S. history one. Born on the Lincoln name, will their lives in the face of defeat. He had desperate things, but did not give up this life high jump competition.八、澳大利亚,特产?
猎人谷是距离悉尼最近的澳大利亚着名产酒区。猎人谷有超过120个酒庄,这里出产的一流葡萄酒在本地和国外都深受欢迎,其中包括爽口的猎人谷赛美蓉和醇美的猎人谷西拉酒。 一流的葡萄酒佐以上乘的美食和风格独特的精品住宿环境,绝对是完美的短期休假选择。
是现存最原始的哺乳动物之一,生活在澳大利亚各地,寒冷时会冬眠。它的体温恒定. 针鼹身上有坚硬的刺,口中无牙,外表像刺猬,针鼹有呈管状的长嘴,鼻孔开在嘴边,舌长并带粘液,以取食白蚁和蚁类等;四肢坚强,各趾有强大的钩爪,爪长而锐利,可以用来掘土和挖掘蚁巢。 针鼹身上短小而锋利的棘刺是它的护身符但,这些刺并没有牢牢地长在身上。当遇到敌害时,针鼹会蜷缩成球或钻进松散的泥土中迅速消失,或把有倒钩的刺像箭一样飞速射向敌害体内。针鼹能以惊人速度掘土为穴将自身埋在土中。 针鼹到了繁殖时期,雌兽腹部长出像袋鼠一样的育儿袋,产卵后,用嘴将卵衔入育儿袋中孵化。卵内只有蛋黄,没有蛋白。小兽出世后,留在袋囊中从母亲的毛束下舐吸滴落下来的乳汁。经过50天左右,小兽长大,离开母体,育儿袋也就自然消失了。 针鼹是世界仅有的两种单孔目动物(另一个是鸭嘴兽)之一。它们生活在澳大利亚和新几内亚。针鼹以蚂蚁和白蚁为食,能帮助树木清除虫害。它们也是卵生哺乳动物,每年5月左右,雌性针鼹的腹部会长出一个临时育儿袋,产下一个白蛋并用嘴把蛋放入育儿袋中进行孵化,幼针鼹出生后就在母亲的口袋里吮吸经母亲毛孔分泌出来的乳汁,7-8周后断奶,母针鼹的育儿袋也随之消失。目前针鼹已是濒临绝种的动物。 针鼹行动笨拙,而且几乎是个瞎子。它们的繁殖能力不强。因为没有牙齿,针鼹的食物仅仅限于那些能够用舌头捉到的动物。然而,它们却顽强地生存了下来,而且在至少八千万年里没有什么改变。针鼹能够成功的生存是有原因的。它们最主要的捕食对象是蚂蚁,而蚂蚁是所有昆虫中生存最成功的一种,它分布在最广泛的地区。针鼹专心致志地以蚂蚁为食。它那象铲子一样粗壮的腿更适合于挖掘而不是行走,正是它们这种笨掘使得它更能适应环境。 针鼹能够同时用四肢挖掘,它把地面上的土刨到身体两边,这样它就可以垂直地往下钻。当针鼹毫无保护的腹部下到地面,它就会用针刺形成一个颇具有效的防护体系,以抵抗任何可能出现的食肉动物的攻击。白蚁也是针鼹喜爱的食物。针鼹能够非常技巧使用它那长长的、坚硬的舌头摸索着深入蚁巢。针鼹会在蚁巢用餐长达半个小时,吞食几千只白蚁。它不能咀嚼,因为它没有咀嚼肌,也没有牙齿,它只能把食物放在舌头的后部压碎。 一天中为了觅食,针鼹要来回徘徊十八公里。针鼹还会专门寻找食肉蚁。这种凶猛的食肉蚂蚁是唯一能够冲破针鼹防线的昆虫,但它对针鼹的伤害并不大,因为针鼹从食肉蚁身上得到的好处要比挨咬的损失大得多。 鸭嘴兽在洞中孵卵,而针鼹则在育儿袋里孵卵。雌针鼹的育儿袋每年发育一次,以盛放后代。孵化出来的小针鼹就在育儿袋里成长,直到浑身是刺为止。刚出生的小针鼹仅重零点四克,刚出生的小针鼹所要做的第一件事就是找奶吃。但是母针鼹没有奶头,当小针鼹刺激育儿袋内的皮肤时,奶汁就会从特殊的细孔中分泌出来。五十天之后,当小针鼹长好了脊梁骨,雌针鼹就把幼仔推到体外。五个星期之后,小针鼹便能够独立生活了。

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