渤海亦作Bo Hai,亦称直隶湾(Gulf of Chihli)是中国的内海。渤海是一个近封闭的内海,地处中国大陆东部的最北端,三面环陆,在辽宁、河北、山东、天津三省一市之间。具体位置在北纬37°07′~41°0′、东经 117°35′~121°10′。辽东半岛南端老铁三角与山东半岛北岸蓬莱遥相对峙,像一双巨臂把渤海环抱起来,岸线所围的形态好似一个葫芦。渤海通过渤海海峡与黄海相通。
南海,为南中国海(地理水域)、中国南海(中国领海)的简称,位于中国大陆的南方,是太平洋西部海域,中国三大边缘海之一 ,九段线内海域为中国领海,自然海域面积约350万平方公里,中国领海总面积约210万平方公里。
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中美关系......................................... 38
中美关系历史.................................. 40
中美外交史...................................... 43
中美关系现状及矛盾........................ 47
中美关系—政治关系........................ 49
中美关系—军事关系........................ 49
中美关系—经贸关系........................ 49
中日关系......................................... 50
中日关系历史.................................. 50
中日政治关系.................................. 55
中日经济贸易关系........................... 55
中日科技、文化关系........................ 56
中日双方敏感问题........................... 56
中俄关系......................................... 58
中俄关系历史.................................. 59
中俄双方合作.................................. 61
中印关系......................................... 63
中印关系历史.................................. 63
中印关系—政治............................... 63
中印关系—贸易............................... 64
中印边界问题.................................. 65
中印关系发展现状........................... 67
中朝关系......................................... 68
朝核六方会谈.................................. 69
中朝关系历史.................................. 70
中朝经贸关系.................................. 70
中亚五国与中国安全........................ 71
中国南海海洋权益之争.................... 71
中亚................................................ 71
南亚................................................ 72
东南亚............................................. 72
对策................................................ 72
相关推荐:房地产泡沫问题 - 小海cosea的文章 - 知乎专栏
Preface: The real estateindustry, one of the pillar industries of national economy and its sustainableand healthy development can drive the entire national economy develops rapidlyand quickly, driven and affected the development of related industries with itshigh leading and basic effectand strong industry-related. However, if the real estate industryover-growth from the actual economic base support, real estate’s substantially increasingin prices higher than its real value may lead to realestate bubble which in many cases ended in the form of burst and the burst of realestate bubble can lead to serious financial crisis easily that would endangerthe entire national economy greatly, which have been widely confirmed in countriesand regions. Such as the real estate bubble burst of United States in 1926 causedthe 1930s world economic crisis indirectly; the real estate bubble of Japan fromthe 1980s to the early 1990s broken in 1991 resulting in Japan's 15-yeareconomic depression; Southeast Asia, Hong Kong's real estate bubble broke in 1997making over ten million “spend-more-than-earn man” appear in Hong Kong, and theeffect of real estate bubble of Hainan and Beihai area in 1992, 1993 are stillnot eliminated completely. The experiences and lessons of foreign and domesticreal estate bubble have shown us that we must guard against the occurrence anddevelopment of asset bubbles especially real estate bubbles under the conditionof overheated economy. Therefore, we can only carry on the objective andcorrect analysis to the real estate market, detect and identify the real estatebubble; To take effective prevention and control measures in order to maintainthe sustained and healthy development of China's real estate industry, and thusmaintain the macroeconomic and financial system stability and development. Thedevelopment of real estate market in our country is later than that of otherdeveloped countries in the world, and still not standardized with unbalancedsupply structure, aggravated speculation, single financial products and loosecredit. the gradual prosperity of the real estate industry increased theproportion in GDP in recent years, and the data in November 8, 2008 from NationalBureau of Statistics showed that China's real estate industry accounted formore than 5% of China's GDP in 2007. From the investment point of view, realestate investment accounted for the ratio of the total investment in fixedassets gradually increased, real estate investment in 2007 has exceeded thetotal social investment of 25%, linked to the past two years of macroeconomicoverheating, excessive growth in fixed asset investment , The price ofproduction materials (especially iron and steel, cement, etc.) rose too fastand other economic realities, and taking into account the real estate industryand industrial linkage pulling effect, making all the people have begun to payattention to the real estate bubble, especially the recent real estate pricesThe general rapid rise in the national real estate market has been reflected inhousing prices seriously exceed and deviate from the affordable range of low -income families, and ultimately affect the stability of the economy. For thewhole market development, the real estate industry deserved one of the mostrapid developing industry in the past few years, but also one of the mostcontroversial industries. The rapid growth of real estate investment and housingprice index climbing in some cities after 2001 which enjoyed the developers butshadowed the customers. Some people say that there are bubbles in the realestate, some said that real estate development is very healthy. In thiscontext, to study and evaluate China's current real estate industrycomprehensively and to judge and understand the country's real estate market situationcorrectly would help us to analyze the economic situation correctly, which isthe original intention for writing this article, The real estate research is ofgreat significance. Serval historical real estate bubble bursts have laidpolitical status and economic status for the real estate. The real estateindustry is not simply a commercial problem. It involves both the nationaleconomy and the national politics. This study intends to avoid the real estatebubble burst such as the United States, Japan. Unfortunately, real estatetheoretical research has not yet been a wildly recognized research results yetwith today’s high- technology, each researcher is leaning the stone across theriver. Even the research of real estate accepted by few people, does that meanthere is no need to research it? Obviously the answer is not. It is becausereal estate research has just started that we need more people to promote realestate research and to solve this problem as early as possible. Real estate isa complex system and has not a relatively sound structure and presentresearches of it is still a lot of private nature , just a few in the publicnature but achieved nothing. Therefore, the real estate system research also offersa lot of people an opportunity, although the real estate system is very complexand challenging, many people still readily accepted, which also allows us tosee the future in real estate research is bound to achieve new breakthroughs,we also expect that it can form a mature theoretical research results. In hopethat to provide some new definitions for the real estate research, which is theauthor’s original intention. This paper expounds the history and current situationof China's real estate and analyzes the causes and consequences of the rapidrise in housing prices, expounds the real estate bubble, comprehensivelyanalyzes the current form of China, whether economic, political, cultural,trade, the surrounding situation. This paper has carried on the comprehensiveanalysis which stands at the international level and carries on the research froma wide angle including Chinese urbanization, the Chinese land system, thepopulation. Besides, the author offers a lot of datum of the relationship amongthe big countries that will help the audiences to get known of internationalsituation. Finally, in hope that this article can bring readers a newunderstanding, new ideas, new insights and do them some help. Offering limitedability and limited time, there may be some mistakes. Welcome any correction. Youcan e-mail to hoctoboy@gmail.com. All your suggestion will be valued. Thanks to you.
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create is my all.魂荡魄,勇者雄心——小海cosea

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